Osho KI6 Meditation Center Venice

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Family Constellations - Vartan

  • march 30th
  • may 11th
  • july13 th
  • september 7th

Your natural and rightful place within your family.

In this work we see how
each Family System has its own natural order.

This natural order can be disturbed for various reasons
the death of a new-born baby, the exclusion of a family member on moralistic grounds,
the lack of respect for somebody in the place where they really belong.
In this way, without knowing it, another member of the family identifies
with the excluded person and takes on their feelings and fate.

In Family Constellation work the participant represents the members of their own family
of origin or their current family to reveal the identifications, the exclusions or the roles
that are present.

Only when everyone is honoured and respected for what they have given and for what
they have received can one be ready to open to the new.
Then a new natural order is born which makes the flow of love possible.

"One birth has been given to you by your parents, the other birth is waiting.
It has to be given to you by yourself.
You have to father and mother yourself.
Then your whole energy is turning in, it becomes an inner circle."


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